Thursday, July 3, 2014

Life is worthless

The moment you realize everything sucks. Every single thing around you is ruined. Probably I am the cause of things. Friends who gone like ashes. Trust has gone. Family. Whom isn't that important. What else to look forward in life. I really need a jet. To fucking fly whenever I wanted to. To treat everyone like nothing. Like how they have treated me. Birthday is coming. Shit stuff I've imagine or assuming ruin the birthday. I just need a day to fall. Fall out of everything. Who can I give my trust. Life sucks. I guess i need a shoulder or a teddy to hug on or even a bottle of alcohol, to forget every single things happened in life. A moment to cool down and fall in to deep sleep. Hopefully forever.

fuck this. fuck friends. fuck you guys. 
Nothing to regret. Just look the fuck back to my past when they dont give a damn about you. screw you.