Saturday, July 26, 2014


Why. Why is it that my trust just go off like this easily. Friends for benefit? What do you get in return? Really. What is so fun playing your friend's trust like a ball. Is it so hard to admit what you've done ? What so hard to just say and share what happen? Seriously. If you really treat your friend goodfriend you won't even lie. How does lying benefit you, other than be loyal and honest to each other. I wonder such basic knowledge, people just can't do it well. It's really funny that when you wan to keep it confidential and your friends found out what you doing. Then you decided to admit it. Screw you. You don't even deserve that respect I have for you. I rather throw it to the drain than giving it to you. Don't find excuses saying you didn't know why things turned out like this. You should know what you are doing in fact you shouldn't act decent and innocent. Screw you with your 2 faces. How about ego and pride. You lie just for your pride? Wow you deserve a trophy, you lie for your benefit too. Haha what a joke. Yea. Thank you cunts. You let me realize who deserve my respect and who don't. Thank you so much. The cry is worth and it's time to wipe it off. How incredibly I cry for you when you don't even deserve it.

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