Wednesday, October 12, 2011

never again

So happy, huh?  Remember?

I Feel like express my feeling to you, but i cant.

After she told me this, i couldnt believe it. But i have no choice to take it as truth. As everything you do, done have prove me wrong. Stop being a person which wasnt you. Just show yourself out, from sec1 till now. You haven change. The same thing going over and over again. Hiding isnt the fact, isnt the way you live for. How long can you hide? You have hide from us sec 1 and sec 2. Sec 3? never again. People grow brains, isnt like how simple you think. Your truth colour have shown, you accidentally show your tail to us. Or you have shown to others, but others spread it. After reading my private blog, thinking of the past what i have done. What i have done wrong, WHAT I HAVE CHANGE till now. Everything. Everything have change. How about you? Just change for a while? no, not even awhile. It's quite long. It have been 1 -2 years. I'm just a idiot being used, played, challenged, compared, what else? Alot more. You yourself knows. Being stupid to get back with you. What for? I'm asking myself. So, never again. So many years, how many "SORRY"s  have you tell me? Can you count even? Nah, it's countless. But NEVER. You never say this to me. Is this so difficult? Yea, you let me remember the past me. Thinking that if a person says sorry, it's means she have lose this battle. All her face have gone to no where. That me, that's what i'm use to think. But.. now i feel, that word. Just a simply word, change everything.  What else can i say? What else can i describe you?  And why am i wasting my time talking about you here? A waste of my time.

                                                                         I wrote this,
 maybe is what i want you to reflect on yourself
 just to help my friend.

 You are not worth for me to trust again.
I give up.

time will make us get back again.
 but never again i will trust you. 
You have break the trust i have in you.
Never have the second chance.
Forgive and forget?
It dont suit you.

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