Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Friend isnt a competitor

Yea, Exams finally over! should i celebrate? -,- failed. What should i do..? I dono should i continue like this or ... we seems stranger outside yet inside was so good friend. Who are we? I assume that we are friends, but do you? Day pass day, you make me feel that you are selfish. You dont aware that we knows what going on 101% of you. Nah maybe not so much, but still we know you. Hiding isnt the best. Lying makes you lie forever. To keep your reason, you give us a false hope of you. Thinking that day pass day, you are so good that we think you wasnt. Which side of you we should believe? They tell me about you, i thought it was a lie. After testing you, actually what they said is true. I just foolishly believe you, Believe what's going on to you, Believe everything you tell me, Believe everything you lied to me. So what's more you telling me? When you are quiet, i feel you are scary. Whenever you play, i can feel something behind you which couldnt be told. Are this counted a friend or a bestfriend, or partner? Maybe just nothing but strangers. Which step should i go? The Cruel or Kind? But you just dont suit the "Kind" but.. Nah mind, leave everything the best. But still, whenever i go, there's some cuts between me and you which makes us get together. Why cant i like the others, which have no linked to you. Why cant we just be strangers but not friend. Till now, 3 years passes. I know everything you have. If wasnt teacher started this conversation, will i know till graduation? Or forever? Asking you question, you tell me this and that. Answers, are still not answered. Hiding everything, only you knows about it. Thinking that i was being bias, looking down on you. I am enough. Thinking that, What about 3 years back? Who are you to me? till now, maybe is nothing, huh? I know it's cruel but "friend isnt your competitor" you just dont understand this quote.

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