Monday, June 17, 2019

A year difference

I am really amazed that I kept my blog updated occasionally. Not frequent but yeah. Haha. I guess this is the process of adult life.

Cant imagine what I have 10 years ago as compared to now. It's a huge difference going on.

I have my burdens, my worries, my doubts, my love life and my friends as well as my colleagues. Honestly speaking, they are really awesome!

Ive been thru alot, my growing up process also learning my mistakes along the way.  Learn from it and kept on improving. In some point of time, definitely you feel lonely, demotivated, restless and helpless but don't be disappointed, it's part of life.

Expect less and work more. People will come to you eventually. It's really hard to please people, also to meet their expectations. It's okay. Dont be demoralize, everything will be fine. As usual, as always.

Probably after such a long time, maybe this is where I met my challenges. It's trying to solve the puzzles in my mind, my life. Surely, there are ups and downs. This might be the time where I needed to vent somewhere and someplace.

I'm still waiting for the one who able to give me happiness, my thoughts, suggestions, my soulmate, my bestfriend, my friend. I needed some air, from everything that are happening right now. This very moment. Its ain't easy and I know I can overcome these obstacles by myself. Sometimes, it's really hard and you choose another alternative such as having an easier and simple friend. Who will be there for you to overcome the thunderstorm together.

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