Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy EASTER day!


hmmm, yesterday wake at 11, bathe, pack bag, etc... Last min do everything... So rush! Was wondering, am i weird? Will i be late?! By 2, must reach! Or else.. bye bye! -,- So, after reaching, I DIDNT LATE! wahahaha.. But xiu hui and sherry LATE! == While they was in the toliet putting on make up. So i was the first who reach there than to california. We waited 10 or more min for them... After reaching, we take MRT together and take some photos. Finally, we REACH and we are lost..... walk and walk.. In the end, we called them. Lots of people over there! So crowded.. We left xiu hui and sherry as we fetching our friend, they was lost too! LOL.. So, we take around 10 - 20 mins to come back. After coming back, we haven entered the concert? It takes another 20 mins to enter.. After entering, i feel that our seats is the best? At the back and was in the middle of the stage? hmmm but very cold we all was shivering over there! LOL! Me and california wanted to leave at 6 but the drama was still on. So wait till it over? Time reaches 7, the show ends! We went to toilet and take some photos (: After taking, they meet us the the hall? And decided to eat together for dinner.. We wanted but in the end, everyone left.. only me.. They keep pushing me to go eat.. But ... nvmmm! I decided to go with my friends.. Saying together take MRT but say till i take MRT alone! T~T Stupid SIA.. So, After reaching causeway, went to da bao MacDonald and go home eat.. Reach HOME, saw KFC on the table!! YEK, but i buy Mac already cant change.. TSK! Eat finish, use COM! Wanted to use till 3-4 but mother snatch with me... Snatch here snatch there in the end, i LOSE! YEKKKK, went to watch T.V lo...

Anyway i do enjoy the drama yesterday, it was touching? (:

I feel that today my typing was weird... hmmmm
Should i go next saturday? hmmmmm, dono.

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